Cluster-based Course Model
The cluster-based course model is designed to enable students to acquire the appropriate skills by obtaining the required number of credits from the specific courses for each cluster in addition to the core courses, the foundation courses, and the practical skills courses.
- 1. Policy Analysis and Evaluation Cluster
This cluster is designed to cultivate the ability to analyze and evaluate policies and further develop the professional abilities to realize the formation and effective enforcement of new policies in sectors that have a public nature. - 2. Negotiation between Administrative Organizations Cluster
This cluster cultivates the abilities to prevent and solve conflicts based on mutual understanding by acknowledging the inter-organizational differences in values and filling information gaps relating to various interests in the problems that cannot be solved at the level of a sole organization or government and to operate policies effectively. - 3. Global Symbiosis Cluster
With expanding globalization, various problems occur beyond the nation-based framework. This cluster cultivates the ability to respond to this problem at various levels, including by national and local governments, NPOs, and international organizations.